Friends of Pett Methodist Chapel

Would you like to be added to our list of "Friends"?
There is no cost, and neither do you get money-off vouchers for the Sunday collection.
But as a "Friend", you will get occasional e-mail updates concerning forthcoming events or special items of news that we think will be of interest to a wider audience than our local church family.
You may be assured that
  • you will not be bombarded with e-mails on a daily or weekly basis (I don't have the time) 
  • we will respect your privacy and not pass on your contact details to anyone else (we endeavour to adhere rigidly to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and are guided by a Privacy Statement which can be found on the Circuit website).

To become a "Friend" please simply complete the details below and hit the Submit* button.

Please enter your name

Your partner's name (if you wish to be addressed jointly)

Your e-mail address

The following boxes are completely optional. Please only complete them if you wish to share this information with us.

Where do you live?

Telephone number

Any other message  

We look forward to welcoming you as a Friend of Pett Methodist Chapel.

 * Note - In some versions of Windows (notably Vista), it will probably flash all sorts of warnings, saying that a programme is trying to send an e-mail and stuff like that. Just tell it OK ... trust me ... it's safe.

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   (c) Copyright Pett Methodist Church